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Training Providers

One of the best things about puppetry is that there is always something new to learn, and these training providers are far better at teaching it than we are, so we thought we'd recommend those who have helped us on our journey's towards being better at what we do, in the hope you will find new passions, skills and creative inspiration through connecting with them too!


We are proud to have worked with and learned from all the providers listed on this page, some of whom now provide regular training programmes and interactive workshops for our creative team, associate artists and emerging puppetry practitioners.


If you're an artist with diverse needs like us, who finds it difficult to engage with more 'traditional' education and training provisions, please check out our emerging artists pages to see how our Broken:Live membership can help you access professional development opportunities like these!

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Bernd Ogrodnik, at Worlds of Puppets

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Brunskill & Grimes

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Jimmy Grimes Puppetry

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Stan Winston School of Character Arts

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John Roberts at Puppetcraft UK

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