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Broken Live: South Africa is a 2 part programme featuring a live puppetry/film production and accompanying creative learning workshops exploring the role Puppetry Arts have in enhancing our health and well being, and in creating a ‘common language’ for establishing and nurturing deeper human connections across cultural barriers. The UK project launched in 2016, to support emerging/professional artists who are house or bed bound by chronic illness/invisible disabilities, and has had 5 seasons so far. Our previous season ran throughout covid lockdown thanks to further funding from Arts Council England in 2020-21, which is where a great deal of this current project plan sprang from.

To explore our Creative Programming, click the Rune Stones and sneak behind the scenes to discover what's happening in each of our fantasy realms!

Visit the friendly

Realm of


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Visit the Healing

Realm of


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Visit the inventive Realm of


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Visit the adventurous Realm of


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Visit the Dynamic Realm of


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© 2023 by Broken Puppet Theatre Company. Proudly created with

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